






Chief Product Officer

United Tech is looking for a highly skilled Chief Product Officer with a proven track record of driving growth and sustainability for web products. If you possess strong leadership skills, a results-oriented approach, and a passion for innovation, we invite you to shape the future of our product strategy with us. 

In this role, you will

It’s all about you

Would be a plus

What we offer

Hiring process

  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our current product vision
  • Spearhead the formation of a robust product team
  • Develop and implement streamlined business processes for product direction
  • Allocate product responsibilities within the team and establish a KPI system
  • Organize cross-team strategic sessions to drive product innovation

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Noticed a perfect match for your friend? We accept recommendations for all vacancies. If you are ready to refer your candidate, you can do it now and get a bonus up to $2000